Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well, I was really worried about KidStuf this week. It is the most time I have spent working with the script and the least I felt prepared since we started doing these. We practiced 5 or 6 times this morning and never were able to get through it.

The actual KidStuf performance went over OK. It was the best we did at the intro part. I forgot one thing I was going to do in my rapid response time, but all in all in went well.

I was missing some of my peeps.

Next month starts the new adventure of doing KidStuf after the service. That brings it's own new challenges. Especially for Chris as he does sound for 2 completely different services and for Michael who will add preaching to a day he already host and sings.


Lori said...

All of you did and do a fabulous job! Way to Go!!

margaret said...

We were pretty bummed that we missed it this week. The boys were with Dustin's mom (they actually considered not going because they knew they would miss kidstuf).

It sounds like it went pretty well. Just remember when you're kicking yourself for mistakes, most people probably don't even notice them. We are always more in tune to our own flaws and mistakes than others!

I don't suppose there's a video of this kidstuf? I know my kids would love to see it... and I can guarantee it would be better than most of the junk they want to watch. Plus, I missed seeing your t-shirt. :)

Chris Good said...

Next month will sure be an adventure. As far as Michael's concerned...pray for him everyone, and/or step in as the Singer, and/or or the Good Book look person and/or the the Normal host.