Tuesday, April 15, 2008

putting The Jerk to bed

Putting Lincoln to bed these days has been a lot like putting The Jerk to bed.

If you have never seen the famous scene from the 1979 classic, then you won't get this, but Lincoln has required taking everything in his bedroom to bed with him.

When we start to rock he goes around the bedroom to get any book, toy, blanket and pillow available.

"All I need for bed is this pillow. Oh, and this teddy bear, but that's all I need is this bed and this pillow, oh and this book I need that. And this car, but that's it, this pillow, this teddy bear, this car and maybe this blanket. I need this blanket."

Then he climbs in our small glider with me and we rock. Then when he goes to bed he has to have everything with him.

I really need to clean everything but 1 blanket, 1 pillow and 1 book from his bedroom.

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