Friday, September 08, 2006

web work

I am sitting at the computer with a sleeping baby on my chest. He has been really hard to get to sleep. While it is hard to get housework done right now, I can type on the computer.

A couple of things I have been working on:

I have been working for our dentist on creating a web site for them. It is in the beginning stages of getting the site up.

I also recently redesigned our church web site.

I had been playing with the idea for a while, but wanted to get input/approval from higher ups. Then someone convinced me to go ahead and do it.

I was getting really tired of the old site. There is more that needs to be done, but I like it better than the previous site.


Chris Good said...

And if anyone complains they can get mad at me. I like it. I love having more dynamic content on the homepage. Favorate additions...Michael's Blog and Recient Sermons.

Static information is just boring. Maybe we add KTIS's Religion desk as well. :)

margaret said...

The church website looks unbelieveable! Nice job!

Lori said...

Way to go, Chad! It looks awesome. I'll have to get to you updated Youth info.